Adequate water consumption is often overlooked, as more emphasis is placed on protein and calorie intake, along with various other recovery methods. What many people don’t understand is that by not consuming enough water, they are greatly impeding their ability to properly recover and build muscle. This is because dehydration can increase the rate of muscle protein breakdown, as well as reducing overall endurance and power.
Here’s the exact formula to use to hit your daily water needs, so that you can be hydrated and ready to take your fitness and health to the next level!
1. Determine your body weight in pounds
This is the most important part of the equation, so don’t skip this part. Also, to make sure you weight is as accurate as possible, weigh yourself first thing in the morning after peeing.
2. Take Your Body weight in Pounds, and Multiply it by 0.67
This a a true and tried formula that works well for many people to help keep them hydrated. However, if you’re an ultra athlete, are super active, or exercise in hot climates, you will almost certainly need more water.
For example, if you’re 185 pounds like me, the formula is as follows:
185 lbs x 0.67 = 124 oz of water.
3. Convert ounces to cups
Don’t forget this important step! Simply google your required daily water from Oz to cups, and that will give you your answer.
For example, 124 Oz to cups would give you 15.5 cups of required water per day.
How to factor in additional water with exercise
It is recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine that for every additional 30 minutes of exercise, we consume an additional 12 oz of water, or 24 oz of water for every 60 minutes.
If you workout in hot climates and sweat quite a bit, it would be a good idea to double this amount.
How to meet your required daily water intake per day
A great first step to start your day is to drink 16 oz of water every morning, and 8 oz each night right before bed. This is an easy 24 oz of water right there.
Then, figure if you work out for 60 minutes each day, that’s at least another 24 oz right there.
Post workout, it would be advisable to consume 16 oz of water to help re hydrate yourself and speed up recovery.
Next, a good rule of thumb is to drink 16 oz of water right before or during each meal and snack. The average American has 3 meals and about 2 snacks per day, so this is 80 oz, will will account for a good chunk of your total.
This right here totals 144 Oz. It is important to note that it is ok, and usually advised to go over the minimum required water intake, especially in those who are extra active. For most people, it is safe to consume even 2 gallons of water per day with no side effects.
Drinking the proper amount of water each day will improve your life on so many levels. From increased recovery, better rates of muscle growth, increased mood and alertness, and better sleep. The simple formula mentioned above is a great starting point. You’ll know your’e drinking enough water if you have clear colored urine, and you’ll know you’re dehydrated if your pee is yellow.