Category Archives: health & well-being

3 Reasons Why Complete Proteins are Better for Muscle Building than Incomplete Proteins

Animal proteins are sources of complete protein.

When it comes to building more muscle and strength, eating enough protein is a crucial first step. However, if you want to better maximize your results, then it is important that the majority of your proteins intake comes from complete proteins. Now, lets distinguish the difference between complete vs incomplete proteins, and 3 reasons why…

3 Awesome Advantages of Behind the Neck Pressing for Added Strength, Muscle, and Mobility

arnold performing behind neck press.

We’ve been taught that performing shoulder presses behind the neck is bad for shoulder health, that it can cause impingement and limit shoulder mobility. The military press is instead seen performed by the vast number of gym goers. However, what if I were to tell you that the behind the neck shoulder press is actually…

The Ridiculously Simple Formula to Determine Daily Water Intake in 3 Steps

Adequate water consumption is often overlooked, as more emphasis is placed on protein and calorie intake, along with various other recovery methods. What many people don’t understand is that by not consuming enough water, they are greatly impeding their ability to properly recover and build muscle. This is because dehydration can increase the rate of…

10 Dynamite Tips for Making Healthy Eating Choices at Restaurants

friends can empower each other to make healthy eating choices.

Eating out doesn’t have to spell disaster for your health & fitness goals. It’s still entirely possible to enjoy a hearty & great tasting meal without creating a calorie bomb. Here are 10 dynamite tip for making healthy eating choices while dining out. 1. Check the menu online beforehand Many times, lack of planning beforehand…

The 5 Powerful Markers of Metabolic Health

Now, more than ever, the average persons metabolic health in many countries is in dire need of improvement. Most of our diets are very highly processed, and leaves us devoid of many vitamins and minerals that play a key role in our health. First off, lets define what metabolic health is. It is the bodies…

6 Dynamite Ways to Get Your Beach Body in 6 Weeks Before Summer!

Now that we are early into April, this is the last month before we start to break out the bathing suits and get ready to spend time out by the pool and the beach, and see how our beach bodies look(or lack thereof). For those that currently don’t like the bodies that they have, it…

9 Fitness Myths You Need to Stop Believing!

fitness myths are far too prevalent in the fitness industry

In a world full of lies, the fitness industry is unfortunately no different. There are numerous unverified  “fitness influencers” or “gurus” that stress ridiculous claims about how to get into shape, and those who don’t know any better fall victim. Getting your ideal physique is about knowing just as much on what NOT to do…

4 Reasons Why You Can’t Spot Reduce Body Fat, and How to Blast Fat Instead

spot fat reduction isn't possible

Raise your hand if at any point in time, you’ve done countless abs exercises day after day, thinking that was the key to losing stomach fat, only to notice virtually no difference after quite some time. That is an example of trying to spot reduce fat in a specific part of the body. Quite frankly,…

Top 13 Power Supplements for Boosting the Immune System

power supplements

A weakened immune system can stem from a mix of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, family history, and several other factors. Keeping your immune system strong year round is the key to preventing infection and disease. There are many natural remedies for boosting your immune system functioning and overall vitality. In this post, I’ll be discussing…

How to Achieve a Body Recomposition Via Positive Nitrogen Balance

Simultaneously burning fat and building muscle, often referred to as “body recomposition,” is a challenging but achievable goal. It typically involves a combination of targeted nutrition, resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and adequate recovery. In the context of bodybuilding and nutrition, the term “positive nitrogen balance” is often used to describe a state in which the…