Now that we are early into April, this is the last month before we start to break out the bathing suits and get ready to spend time out by the pool and the beach, and see how our beach bodies look(or lack thereof).
For those that currently don’t like the bodies that they have, it is still entirely possible to make solid progress in the next 6 weeks. However, the 6 things discussed within this blog is what you’ll need to do in order to become a fat burning machine to get your beach body just in time for the summer.
1. Raise your NEAT & EAT levels
These stand for non-exercise activity & exercise activity thermogenesis. Doing chores around the house, and fidgeting are examples of NEAT. Walking 10 minutes after each meal, or engaging in HIlT training 2-3 times per week is a great way to boost EAT. These two factors make up your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which is the calories burned at rest.
The unfortunate truth is that you can’t spot reduce body fat, but this is a great starting point. If you’re wondering why spot reduction isn’t possible, take a look at my previous blog post on that:
2. Limit alcohol to 1-2 servings per week, and switch to diet soda over regular soda
Per 12 oz, Miller Lite contains 96 calories, red wine contains 125 calories, and IPA’s contain 180-200 calories. One can of Pepsi contains 150 calories & 41 g carbs. Liquid calories add up more than we think. This will make a big difference over time by limiting your alcohol and switching to diet soda.
3. Aim to consume 2.4 – 3 g/kg of protein per day
Consuming this amount of protein makes it easier to maintain muscle when cutting weight, and can even make building muscle achievable in a fat loss phase. Stick to the higher end of this range if that is the case. Protein has the highest thermogenic(fat burning) effect of all the macros.
4. Practice intermittent fasting daily
By pushing out first meal later into the day or even skipping it, we can eat more food later on in the day & still wind up in a calorie deficit. As long as you are eating the required protein aforementioned, and are in a 500-1,000 calorie deficit, you can still lose 1-2 pounds per week. Just don’t go into a deeper deficit than this, as you’ll risk muscle loss & a slowed metabolism!
5. Fill your plate properly
Aim to fill your plate with 4-6 oz of lean protein(90% or leaner cuts of meat), 1 cup starchy carbs(brown rice, sweet potatoes), & 1 cup fibrous carbs (broccoli, edamame, cauliflower, etc.) This will help keep you satiated due to the mix of fiber/complex carbs(which are both slow digesting), and keep the metabolism elevated!
6. Go keto/low carb(or carb cycle)
This is a tough one, and may sound contradictory to the above number, but if you are truly committed to getting lean for summer, cutting carbs is a good way to do so. Try to limit carbs to about 120 grams per day, and center most carbs before & after training. Another option is to carb cycle, which involves high carb days(preferably on training days), and low carb days on rest days. This will still give you the energy to train hard on exercise days, while losing water retention & getting firmer. However, The important thing is that the 5 topics in this video MUST be combined with an effective strength training program.
If you can commit to consistently doing all 6 of these things above for the next 6 weeks, then you WILL get leaner, no about about it! If you need to lose more than a few pounds, then dig yourself into a bit of a deeper deficit, preferable through a mixture of increased exercise and a slightly lower food intake.
On our fitness journey, many of us may already have an idea of what to do, but the hardest part is truly believing in yourself and being held accountable. If you need an EXACT plan while being held accountable through the major steps, this is for you: I’m offering a 6 week Summer shredding program for absolutely FREE to help out as many people as I can, and all you need to do is DM me your email & I will send it to vou. Links to my social media are on the bottom of my home page.
Don’t wait any longer, defeat procrastination once and for all, and reap the fruits of your labor. You owe it to yourself to rock your dream body:)